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Brian Cooper

Brian Cooper has Over 30 years’ experience building and leading cross functional teams and specializes in engineering, project and facility management, capital asset assessment, maintenance and replacement planning, process design, validation, construction and commissioning with an emphasis on pharmaceuticals, medical devices, specialty chemicals, energy and hydrometallurgy. 

As the Director of Manufacturing, Tech Transfer he is responsible for bringing new biological products to the Thousand Oaks manufacturing site. He runs the transfer projects directly in addition to maintaining an operations staff in order to properly test new equipment installations and prepare the site for commercial operations. Brian also performs community outreach with local schools to help in Takeda’s staffing search. He has a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from the University of Colorado and has served as a speaker for the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), the International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineers (ISPE), the Southern California Development Forum (SCDF), the California BioScience Alliance (CBSA), the Colorado Bioscience Association (CBA), the Biotechnology Innovation Organization(BIO), the Actinide Separations Conference (ASC), the Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo (FEW) and the International Biomass Conference and Expo.

Prior to working at Takeda, Brian worked at the Amgen Thousand Oaks campus and several contract research and manufacturing firms in Colorado. He currently lives with his wife and two sons in Westlake Village.